HWWO Book Covers makes it easy to explore through the different themes and covers.
Once you find the cover that you are interested in, you note down the Title of the cover, for example, '' The Purple Glory '' and you send it to my e-mail address (eleni_tzima@hotmail.com) with Subject : INTERESTED and the Title of the cover. In your e-mail you will include your full name and anything else you would like to add before I reach back to you with the details on how we will proceed.
INTERESTED means that you are interested in buying this cover and if it is still available you can proceed by purchasing the cover and signing the contract. Soon after the payment and the exchange of the contracts you will receive the cover in JPG (adjusted to your book's dimensions), PNG (optimized for Web) and a PDF file.
Once you find the cover that you are interested in, you note down the Title of the cover, for example, '' The Purple Glory '' and you send it to my e-mail address (eleni_tzima@hotmail.com) with Subject : INTERESTED and the Title of the cover. In your e-mail you will include your full name and anything else you would like to add before I reach back to you with the details on how we will proceed.
INTERESTED means that you are interested in buying this cover and if it is still available you can proceed by purchasing the cover and signing the contract. Soon after the payment and the exchange of the contracts you will receive the cover in JPG (adjusted to your book's dimensions), PNG (optimized for Web) and a PDF file.
After that this cover will never be sold again.
If you are an author looking for the newest updates, special offers and cover events for premade covers you can join us in this group :
( This group is only for authors and those who purchase my art or a license )
After you have gone through my art and the different styles of coverart in this site, you might feel inspired to create your own custom cover that will represent your story and your vision for a book cover better than a premade cover. In this case you will reach out to me via eleni_tzima@hotmail.com asking to book a consultation meeting. In this meeting you will be ready to share with me any ideas (likes or dislikes) that you might have for your book cover. If you have no specific ideas, then you will describe me briefly your book's story and I will most likely come up with suggestions.
All conversations and documentation in relation to the story and personal info are held confidential unless stated otherwise from the two parties, for more see Terms & Conditions
After we come into an agreement about the design of your cover and set a deadline you will receive the contract and the invoice for the initial payment ( 50% deposit is required in advance). With the final approval of the cover, the balance needs to be paid. After payment, you will receive the book cover in .jpg optimized for online selling (ebook) and/or high resolution pdf (for printing - if included in the package you ordered).
NOTICE : I work with very few custom covers per year due to other priorities. I suggest that you explore my premade covers and see if something works for your story.
Thank You For Your Understanding
Let's create some art. . . :)